1 for all and all for 1

July 6, 2023

The whole point of living together, in communities, is to make life easier and safer for the individual.  Weapons have been with us since before the stone age.  Before we crafted tools and weapons of stone, we just used sticks, bones and rocks for tools and weapons.

What seems to be missing from contemporary society is a sense of community.

Because, at first, people used weapons to protect their community and violence inside of the community was too taboo to even consider.  If it did occur, the result was banishment from the community to fend for yourself alone, with out any help from any one for a slow, painful and long suffering death with no one to care for your body when you do die.

If the individual feels separate from the community, they can rationalize selfish behavior as self sufficiency. The principle behind “wokeness” comes from the idea of waking up from a hyperrealistic, delusional society where if you have a problem, it is your fault.  Which, is in reality, a crumbling society.  So, if the issue of ignorance is solved, with education, the delusion will fall apart and issues with society can be properly addressed.

Education, is what needs to be defined in this theory.

Many ideas which have been associated with the woke principle cloud the point of the issue, which is that everyone wants change and we really do need to adjust our direction before we sleep walk off a cliff.  Both the right and the left are screaming for change, only they are blaming each other instead of working together.

Education and legislation can only do so much on their own, when education is defined as basic knowledge of the material world and knowledge of the mental world is immaterial.  Because, for an individual to mature they need to learn more than words and numbers.  Laws don’t change what people think, they only change what people can do.

For us to get our sense of community back, the first thing we have to do is stop fighting and killing each other.  It really gets us no where and it uses up time and energy that could be used better another way.  Considering that, in general, people want the same thing, a good job, a nice home and a future for their children.  We have to also consider what makes us fight each other would generally be, feeling what we all want is in danger.

Here we finally get to the source of the issue.  Contemporary society, not for the first time, no longer has a sense of community because it is stratified into different perspectives based on wealth and each layer of society sees faults from their different perspectives.

One layer thinks the problem is not enough money and opportunity, another thinks its too many hand outs that cause laziness and cost too much and then others think the other layers are not equal to their layer and don’t deserve anything at all, so they should be happy with what ever they do get.  To become a community again, we need to recognize all the layers are part of the same cake.

How do we learn to recognize each layer as equal?  By recognizing each human being as deserving equal respect.  By talking to and getting to know each other, regardless of class.  And by educating ourselves to be a tolerant and patient society that works together for a common good in order to have a safe community for everyone.

Rather than, teaching that each layer should stick to itself and even attack the other layers to keep them separated, that only one layer deserves respect and has the capability to make decisions for all the other layers and success is measured by how much you own, not how much you know.

One Response to “1 for all and all for 1”

  1. nlease said

    This is so true. We must start by respecting each other no matter our differences.

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