Take less to get more

February 15, 2024

Every thing you do is on the backs of what other people have done already.  Without the efforts of the people that came before us, we would have to start from learn to make fire scratch.  Centuries of effort that generations have invested in you and I, to have all that we have and know all we know, are destroyed working against each other and disrespecting their hopes, dreams, blood, sweat and tears that paid for all of the knowledge we have now.

People who have no respect for their ancestors and their neighbors don’t have ethics and trying to persuade them to change on ethical grounds is futile.  They care only about what they can take and don’t think at all about what they can give.  From their perspective, attempts at persuasion are tricks to take what they have.

The best way to persuade them is through limiting what they are able to take.  Protests have not been as effective as boycotts and strikes have.  It might suck to walk to work, instead of taking the bus, but if you’re tired of sitting in the back of the bus, then walk to work until they let you sit in the front of the bus.  Don’t work for the East India company.  Even though they pay the most and it sucks to have less.  If you want more, then take less until they give you more.

With all of the chaos being caused with the changing climate, why should we war with each other too?  The 20th century global infrastructure needs to updated for the 21st century, not bombed back into the 19th century.  Adding the death, destruction and suffering of war, with the death, destruction and suffering caused by volcanos, fires, earthquakes and floods.

Fighting with each other only holds us all back and it isn’t fair for the younger generations.  It isn’t the people that start wars, that fight wars anymore.  Kings don’t lead their army to victory anymore.  Instead leaders inspire and instigate hate and division to send their armies to die.

Inspiring hate ends up creating a monster and all the citizens become its’ minions.  Inspiring freedom ends up creating role models of citizens.  Ideologies of hate and domination are never able to last because the power hungry will continue to fight each other even after conquering their enemies.

While war rages, people plan for what they will do when it ends.  Until it ends, no one can make any progress with their future and what should be done, is neglected because of war.  Why build to be bombed, or practice something just to die before becoming proficient, or invest in anything not related to war?  The longer we continue to war with each other, the more work it will take to update our world for the next century.  Freedom is for everyone, not just for some.

(Art work created with AI)

Conformity vs. Competency

November 17, 2023

Aspects of conformity are required for society to function, but these requirements can be appropriated to alter the function of society.

When people conform to social norms in order to facilitate the development of society and create a fair and equal system, society fulfills the needs of civilization by providing a stable foundation for each individual to build their life on.  Social norms that we all agree to like, standing in line, the strong helping weak or driving on one side of the road to go one way and the other to go another.  Are helpful in creating a fair and stable foundation.

From a stable foundation, an individuals competency determines how they progress through life.  The more experience that is gained, the more mature and competent an individual becomes.  Which enables them to contribute to society based on their level of competence.  A person who has put effort into building competence is better suited for a position requiring competency, than a person who has not put any effort into gaining experience, maturing and building competence.

The idea of the most competent attaining the most responsible positions becomes a reflection of what it really should be, when the idea is appropriated to establish a system of conformity.

Instead of a fair and equal foundation for every individual, progress is determined by ability to have blind faith in a boss and the amount of kissing up an individual does.  In this upside down version of civilization, competency is seen as dangerous.  Because the competent can see through the reflection to what is real and people like Socrates are such a threat they need to die, in order to keep society safe.

People have gone to the lengths of killing, marginalizing, ostracizing and creating pariahs out of the worlds philosophers and thinkers in order to maintain control of a system which appropriates the idea of civilization into domination.  Domination of the worlds resources and even of the labor power of the worlds population.  The worlds resources go to leaders who promote conformity over competence and the labor power of the world is put towards their hopes and dreams, rather than all of our hopes and dreams.  Instead of building a better world for our children, we build a better world for their children to rule over.

We always have the opportunity to change the direction that we progress in, simply by changing our minds.  The main allure of the domination ideology is personal power and inclusion into their version of society, making exclusion from their society something to fear and avoid.  It takes advantage of peoples instincts to be part of the group and safety in numbers.  But, the cost is individual freedom that inhibits gaining actual individual competency.  Instead of becoming the best version of themselves because they’re afraid to, people delude themselves into becoming a facsimile of their best.  Often, even replacing good with bad.  How many so called leaders have been found to be perverted and corrupt, things real leaders will never be.

Theres no reason to fear maturing into a free individual who is capable of thinking for themselves, after all no one will ever be better at being you than you.  Theres also no reason to fear people having freedom because with out the perception to look the part, that conformity creates, people aren’t respected unless they act the part.  And if they act like a fool, a thief or a murder then that’s how they are treated.

They say that privatization establishes a fair and equal system, which any one can profit from and the competition for profit keeps prices competitive and innovation constant.  But, it really enables the most wealthy minority to monopolize all resources, tyrannize the average citizen and retard progress.  It gives control to privately held banks and puts governments into their debt, then instead of spending taxes on progress.  Taxes are spent paying debt to the few individuals that own the banks that own everything.  Not that Communism, or Socialism are the answer, but there is a massive economic problem that needs a solution.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if there wasn’t so much suffering and these “leaders” were kind and compassionate, but the minority of individuals making the majority of the profit are obviously cold hearted and callus.  Because instead of spending their profits on progress for all, they hoard it to lord over and control others.

Living by the law has its limits, when the law out weighs justice.  Law only works when it is just.  Cold hearted leaders sometimes hide justice with law.  A society that does try to hide justice with law is easily exposed as unjust.  Some people can perceive the injustice of society and want no part of it.  Others have suffered so much injustice that they want no part of it and many are to consumed by a desire for change to be part of it.

Housing should be reasonably affordable, or available to as many as possible but, just because our idea of civilization is dominant, doesn’t mean that it is the definition of civilization. In fact, the longest age humans have lived through is the stone age.  It stretches back so far that there were other species of humans that contributed to the progress of our civilization.

For more than 200,000 years people didn’t build monumental architecture, or permanent cities and civilization never stopped developing.  People become civilized before they build cities.  While African civilizations lived in cites, the American Indians and the Hebrews both had rich, long established cultures, beliefs, philosophies and societies without building cities.

A nomadic civilization utilizes structures that form moving cities and many tribes build ecological friendly, natural structures.  Building permanent structures at all, or structures that harm the environment is as horrifying to some people as living as a nomad, or outdoors is to many who live in cities and houses.  Plowing up the earth and planting seeds isn’t seen as a good thing by some civilizations, who prefer to have a more symbiotic relationship with their environment and utilize natural resources instead.  But, no nomadic civilization has made it into space, so we need to find a balance between urbanization and conservation.

Solving homelessness isn’t a problem with an easy answer.  It’s only a symptom of a much larger, much more serious social issue.  If it, along with many other symptoms, are not addressed by fixing the cause.  Namely, an ideology of conformation to a debt based economy with runaway inflation, rather than individual empowerment with a balanced budget.  Homelessness will only increase and it won’t be long until you can’t afford a home either and there’s no country left to change.

It’s justice and a humane society, or ignorance of justice and base society.  The more just society is, the less problems it has.  Making it illegal to not have a home isn’t just.

The whole point of living together, in communities, is to make life easier and safer for the individual.  Weapons have been with us since before the stone age.  Before we crafted tools and weapons of stone, we just used sticks, bones and rocks for tools and weapons.

What seems to be missing from contemporary society is a sense of community.

Because, at first, people used weapons to protect their community and violence inside of the community was too taboo to even consider.  If it did occur, the result was banishment from the community to fend for yourself alone, with out any help from any one for a slow, painful and long suffering death with no one to care for your body when you do die.

If the individual feels separate from the community, they can rationalize selfish behavior as self sufficiency. The principle behind “wokeness” comes from the idea of waking up from a hyperrealistic, delusional society where if you have a problem, it is your fault.  Which, is in reality, a crumbling society.  So, if the issue of ignorance is solved, with education, the delusion will fall apart and issues with society can be properly addressed.

Education, is what needs to be defined in this theory.

Many ideas which have been associated with the woke principle cloud the point of the issue, which is that everyone wants change and we really do need to adjust our direction before we sleep walk off a cliff.  Both the right and the left are screaming for change, only they are blaming each other instead of working together.

Education and legislation can only do so much on their own, when education is defined as basic knowledge of the material world and knowledge of the mental world is immaterial.  Because, for an individual to mature they need to learn more than words and numbers.  Laws don’t change what people think, they only change what people can do.

For us to get our sense of community back, the first thing we have to do is stop fighting and killing each other.  It really gets us no where and it uses up time and energy that could be used better another way.  Considering that, in general, people want the same thing, a good job, a nice home and a future for their children.  We have to also consider what makes us fight each other would generally be, feeling what we all want is in danger.

Here we finally get to the source of the issue.  Contemporary society, not for the first time, no longer has a sense of community because it is stratified into different perspectives based on wealth and each layer of society sees faults from their different perspectives.

One layer thinks the problem is not enough money and opportunity, another thinks its too many hand outs that cause laziness and cost too much and then others think the other layers are not equal to their layer and don’t deserve anything at all, so they should be happy with what ever they do get.  To become a community again, we need to recognize all the layers are part of the same cake.

How do we learn to recognize each layer as equal?  By recognizing each human being as deserving equal respect.  By talking to and getting to know each other, regardless of class.  And by educating ourselves to be a tolerant and patient society that works together for a common good in order to have a safe community for everyone.

Rather than, teaching that each layer should stick to itself and even attack the other layers to keep them separated, that only one layer deserves respect and has the capability to make decisions for all the other layers and success is measured by how much you own, not how much you know.

Neo-Dark Ages

May 17, 2023

At one time, perspectives on leadership were different than they are today. There are legends and myths that speak of leaders in a light that outshines modern leaders, like the sun outshines a candle flame.  Myths and legends may be embellished stories, but they relate a social perspective just like the hero in a movie relates social values and perspectives of the movies culture and era.

Modern leaders aren’t respected, loved and admired for their wisdom, empathy and philanthropy.  Or, how they think of the future generations after them and how to progress civilization.  Modern leadership is all about power over profit, like the dark ages.

Changes in society take longer than a lifetime to happen and in a lifetime, an individual can be a part of that change even though they will never see that change.  Slavery in America only ended 160 years ago, or 4-5 generations ago.  Separate but equal, segregation laws, only ended 70 years ago, or 1-2 generations ago.  So it took, 230 years, or 5-6 generations, for slavery to actually, sort of end, and we are still working on fixing the social damage from such terrible decisions.

To rise out of these neo-dark ages, leadership and societies perspective on leadership will have to adjust from the serf, lord, royalty mentality that considers its population as a commodity for use as collateral and cannon fodder to increase profits.  To leadership that sees us all working together for a common goal, of progressing civilization.  Leaders that only think of profit work for Wall Street more than they work for the country and the modern day CEO, is yesterdays Lord/Nobel/Baron/Plantation owner that doesn’t care about the people under them because they are more like cattle than people and more profit is how they measure progress.

The missing element in the modern leader compared to the mythical leader is, philosophy.  There’s a shadow of actual philosophy in business philosophy, but business philosophy can’t be used for social philosophy because it is counter to social progress, in that, in business profit is more important than the earth or its’ people and truly philosophical, such a perspective is detrimental to society.

Good leadership is making it better for the following generations, like carving a city out of the wilderness.  Leaders today seem to have forgotten that all of this was once wilderness and people built a world that enabled business to prosper, business didn’t build a world that enabled people to prosper.


April 10, 2023

To make something reflexive behavior takes practice, right?  Fighters train and practice so that they react to a situation without even thinking about it first.  People adjust from clumsiness, on their first day of work, to professionalism through daily repetition.

But, we also train our mental and emotional reflexes.  Sometimes, without even being aware that we are.  When we train our mental and emotional reflexes to react negatively, we react to a situation negatively, without thinking about it first.  And when we train our metal and emotional reflexes to react positively, then that’s how we react.

The samurai, of Japan, trained diligently to be excellent fighters.  But, they also meditated and practiced art, like painting and poetry, to make sure that their war training didn’t turn them into savages and beasts.  The Pope gave medieval knights their code of chivalry, in order to create a system where the strong protect the weak.  How we train our reflexes is how we maintain, or lose our humanity.

Working to give

December 22, 2022

Isn’t progress making more people better off?  A widening wealth gap means we are doing something wrong.  Entrusting the richest of us to govern is a problem when the richest of us only work for money.  It creates a society in which progress is appropriated with gaining wealth.

Instead of working for goals like improving individually and socially, the goal for society is to get money.  Not just money for pleasure, but money to survive.  To pay bills is all most have been working for, while a minority insanely chase wealth.  Like, chasing a carrot on a stick and going in circles instead of progressing forward.

Change isn’t going to happen until we adjust our way of thinking from respecting greed and fearing bills, to respecting everything else and scorning selfishness.  The world, each other, animals, blind justice, the next generation, the oldest generation and actual progress that improves our standard of living, deserve respect more than misers do.

It takes time for change to happen and using force has becoming increasingly less effective.  It isn’t new laws, war, or more hand outs that create change, it’s all about hearts and minds. Blowing things up, or beating people up sets hearts and minds against the aggressor.

We keep hearing the promise of change and giving our hearts and minds to liars who don’t want anything to change.  Change won’t happen until we change the way we think from working to get, to working to give.

We, as a people, are able to guide and direct our future, in almost any direction that we choose, by choosing who are leaders are.  It takes all of our experiences to be able to understand which direction to proceed in.  By sharing our individual experiences with each other we can determine the best path to take.  Everything in the universe has a reason to exist, why would it be different for any of us?  The universe is like a symphony and each note is a part of a whole.  A conductor, or a leader, is just a crazy person waving a stick around with out the composer, the musicians and the audience.

The best leaders have been the most righteous and incorruptible of us.  Even though many righteous leaders have been leaders during eras of poverty and slavery, a truly righteous person treats every one well.  Even slaves and poor people.  They are able to direct us towards a future, rather than destroy our future.

Sometimes how you look at something depends on how you see things.

The blue sky is the same sky as the night sky and you can only see when it’s dark.

When there is to much light all you can see is blue, like wool over the eyes, it hides the truth.

It’s only on the dark side of the planet that you can see there is so much more to the universe.

Like lifting the wool from over the eyes reveals that, they who tell you people need to suffer and be persecuted for them to protect you and your standard of living, are the ones we need to protect ourselves from.  How can we make the world better with hate?