Homelessness isn’t solved with housing.

September 16, 2023

They say that privatization establishes a fair and equal system, which any one can profit from and the competition for profit keeps prices competitive and innovation constant.  But, it really enables the most wealthy minority to monopolize all resources, tyrannize the average citizen and retard progress.  It gives control to privately held banks and puts governments into their debt, then instead of spending taxes on progress.  Taxes are spent paying debt to the few individuals that own the banks that own everything.  Not that Communism, or Socialism are the answer, but there is a massive economic problem that needs a solution.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if there wasn’t so much suffering and these “leaders” were kind and compassionate, but the minority of individuals making the majority of the profit are obviously cold hearted and callus.  Because instead of spending their profits on progress for all, they hoard it to lord over and control others.

Living by the law has its limits, when the law out weighs justice.  Law only works when it is just.  Cold hearted leaders sometimes hide justice with law.  A society that does try to hide justice with law is easily exposed as unjust.  Some people can perceive the injustice of society and want no part of it.  Others have suffered so much injustice that they want no part of it and many are to consumed by a desire for change to be part of it.

Housing should be reasonably affordable, or available to as many as possible but, just because our idea of civilization is dominant, doesn’t mean that it is the definition of civilization. In fact, the longest age humans have lived through is the stone age.  It stretches back so far that there were other species of humans that contributed to the progress of our civilization.

For more than 200,000 years people didn’t build monumental architecture, or permanent cities and civilization never stopped developing.  People become civilized before they build cities.  While African civilizations lived in cites, the American Indians and the Hebrews both had rich, long established cultures, beliefs, philosophies and societies without building cities.

A nomadic civilization utilizes structures that form moving cities and many tribes build ecological friendly, natural structures.  Building permanent structures at all, or structures that harm the environment is as horrifying to some people as living as a nomad, or outdoors is to many who live in cities and houses.  Plowing up the earth and planting seeds isn’t seen as a good thing by some civilizations, who prefer to have a more symbiotic relationship with their environment and utilize natural resources instead.  But, no nomadic civilization has made it into space, so we need to find a balance between urbanization and conservation.

Solving homelessness isn’t a problem with an easy answer.  It’s only a symptom of a much larger, much more serious social issue.  If it, along with many other symptoms, are not addressed by fixing the cause.  Namely, an ideology of conformation to a debt based economy with runaway inflation, rather than individual empowerment with a balanced budget.  Homelessness will only increase and it won’t be long until you can’t afford a home either and there’s no country left to change.

It’s justice and a humane society, or ignorance of justice and base society.  The more just society is, the less problems it has.  Making it illegal to not have a home isn’t just.

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