Conformity vs. Competency

November 17, 2023

Aspects of conformity are required for society to function, but these requirements can be appropriated to alter the function of society.

When people conform to social norms in order to facilitate the development of society and create a fair and equal system, society fulfills the needs of civilization by providing a stable foundation for each individual to build their life on.  Social norms that we all agree to like, standing in line, the strong helping weak or driving on one side of the road to go one way and the other to go another.  Are helpful in creating a fair and stable foundation.

From a stable foundation, an individuals competency determines how they progress through life.  The more experience that is gained, the more mature and competent an individual becomes.  Which enables them to contribute to society based on their level of competence.  A person who has put effort into building competence is better suited for a position requiring competency, than a person who has not put any effort into gaining experience, maturing and building competence.

The idea of the most competent attaining the most responsible positions becomes a reflection of what it really should be, when the idea is appropriated to establish a system of conformity.

Instead of a fair and equal foundation for every individual, progress is determined by ability to have blind faith in a boss and the amount of kissing up an individual does.  In this upside down version of civilization, competency is seen as dangerous.  Because the competent can see through the reflection to what is real and people like Socrates are such a threat they need to die, in order to keep society safe.

People have gone to the lengths of killing, marginalizing, ostracizing and creating pariahs out of the worlds philosophers and thinkers in order to maintain control of a system which appropriates the idea of civilization into domination.  Domination of the worlds resources and even of the labor power of the worlds population.  The worlds resources go to leaders who promote conformity over competence and the labor power of the world is put towards their hopes and dreams, rather than all of our hopes and dreams.  Instead of building a better world for our children, we build a better world for their children to rule over.

We always have the opportunity to change the direction that we progress in, simply by changing our minds.  The main allure of the domination ideology is personal power and inclusion into their version of society, making exclusion from their society something to fear and avoid.  It takes advantage of peoples instincts to be part of the group and safety in numbers.  But, the cost is individual freedom that inhibits gaining actual individual competency.  Instead of becoming the best version of themselves because they’re afraid to, people delude themselves into becoming a facsimile of their best.  Often, even replacing good with bad.  How many so called leaders have been found to be perverted and corrupt, things real leaders will never be.

Theres no reason to fear maturing into a free individual who is capable of thinking for themselves, after all no one will ever be better at being you than you.  Theres also no reason to fear people having freedom because with out the perception to look the part, that conformity creates, people aren’t respected unless they act the part.  And if they act like a fool, a thief or a murder then that’s how they are treated.

One Response to “Conformity vs. Competency”

  1. nlease said

    Very insightful with lots of inspiring thoughts. A wake up call for me today.

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